About Bozone Orgs

Bozone Orgs is a community email list, based around environmentally-minded folks centered in SW Montana. It was originally an Excel spreadsheet, a batch of CC names, and later hosted for years by NPOgroups.org. Everyone who was subscribed using NPOgroups.org will be/has been migrated to this new system.

Bozone Orgs email list Guidelines

The original email list guidelines are reproduced below, with modifications.

Do you have Questions like?:
What is the focus of the bozone-orgs email list, and what kinds of messages are appropriate?
How many people are subscribed to the list? Which organizations are represented?
Who can post (i.e. - send an email that gets to everyone's inbox) to the list?

Files and Attachments

Submitted by jimurl on Mon, 04/05/2021 - 13:35

Our shiny new Bozone Orgs interface has some better ways to handle large files. In general, it's bad to send out large numbers of large files, it uses a lot of bandwidth and can cost additional in hosting fees if it becomes too large. 2000 Subscribers times 1 MB attachment ... you do the math.

With all that being said, the new system will actually allow large attachments to posts, up to 1 MB;, it just won't send the largest ones. Here's how it works:


Submitted by jimurl on Tue, 05/11/2021 - 09:07

One of the goals of moving to the New Bozone Orgs system was to be able to include sponsorships in a fair, widely distributed way. People and organizations have offered to help support the bozone orgs infrastructure costs over the years; but the costs are small, and it seemed like more of a pain to implement than would be worth it.

What's in the name: Bozone Orgs

Submitted by jimurl on Tue, 05/11/2021 - 12:53

Bozone Orgs is a legacy name for this email list group, and I decided to keep it. Here's why:

The 'Orgs' -- originally, this was probably for 'Bozone Environmental Organizations'. But this is a community email list serve, made up of a list of individuals email address, no particular organization membership is necessary. I like to think of the 'Orgs' as 'we ORGanize ourselves' -- and we can use this email list to do it.