About Bozone Orgs

Bozone Orgs is a community email list, based around environmentally-minded folks centered in SW Montana. It was originally an Excel spreadsheet, a batch of CC names, and later hosted for years by NPOgroups.org. Everyone who was subscribed using NPOgroups.org will be/has been migrated to this new system.

Everyone is welcome to join Bozone Orgs, whether you are a professional environmental activist, student, researcher, concerned citizen, resident or prospective resident of the Bozeman area. A polite and respectful tone is expected, and there are a bunch of other Guidelines.

There are three ways to join the bozone orgs

  1. Have a friend who is already a subscriber give you a Referral. <-- Your friend will need to be logged in to use that link; and they will need to enter your desired username and your email address, of course. But this is the smoothest way to get signed up.
  2. Send an email to subscribe@bozone-orgs.com , from your correct email address (watch out if you use multiple emails with aliases). In the body of the email, tell us why you are subscribing.
  3. You can also Register online, and choose one or more Categories, or channels, according to what you are interested in.


You will then receive emails sent to those categories. You can send emails to those categories; but only one category per email that you send.